Professor Bob is Now Published!

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Big Wave Charger
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Professor Bob is Now Published!


Unread post by rodndtube »

Check the lastest issue of Pacific Longboarder, vol. 16 no. 5, 50-57, for two paipo articles

Paipo - What’s that? by Bob Green and The Secret by Tom Wegener.

The contents summary states,

"Like the Phantom, paipo go by many names and have remained in the shadows. “Professor of Paipo” Bob Green shares his encyclopaedic knowledge of this simple but highly functional surf vehicle from the past. Augmented by a piece from Tom Wegener on the fascinating, if more than a little eccentric World Bellyboarding Championships held every September at Chapel Porth in England. Tom’s also making and riding some fine “modern” paipos."

Congrats, Dr. Bob!
"Prone to ride"
I love my papa li`ili`i

"The sea doth wash away all human ills."
-- Euripides.
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Big Wave Charger
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Re: Professor Bob is Now Published!


Unread post by rodndtube »

"Prone to ride"
I love my papa li`ili`i

"The sea doth wash away all human ills."
-- Euripides.
Big Wave Charger
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Re: Professor Bob is Now Published!


Unread post by Nels »

Nice going, Bob. Print is tough to crack.

Funny how resurgent longboarding led to rediscovery of early-era shortboards, the alt-surfing movement, and finally got back around to acknowledging paipos. Meanwhile pro surfing continues to chase skimboarding circa Y2K, having finally caught up to and surpassed the world-class bodyboarders. Round and round we go...

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