jalama bomba

What works and what doesn't. Share design ideas, references and contacts for paipo board builders.
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jalama bomba


Unread post by soulglider »

Jalama Bomma.jpg
Guess it was about 6 years ago, i was taking our annual trip with my long time bruddah from anotha muddah, J.P., to a spot north of t.j. and south of san francisco. i had a few beers the night before and thought, i need a new stick! i busted out some 1/2" ply and carved out this little cutey, sans the sting (its 24x48x1/2 birch ply from the depot in s.d.). after an early morning session i was rethinking the board. because of the width, the board would tend to slide out and lose speed on cutbacks and bottom turns. i thought it needed to be narrower. so, i jumped in the truck and drove to the local depot, bought a cheap saw, sandpaper, a brush and a can of urethane. when i got back to the beach i cut these stings. the next day i knew i had found the answer!

i had long forgotten about her as a rider, and was just using her as yard art. anyway, after years, i decided to take her out yesterday in 3-4 o-side and BAM! the stoke was back on. i havent surfed much this year, but i finally got in the water. nervous about the paddle out in shore dump after months of laziness, i had forgotten the ease of paddling out (soooo easy to duck dive under close outs on plywood) i was soon on my way back to having just pure fun. i had forgotten how easy it was to paddle out, catch waves, do cut backs and just sit in the barrel sooo deep on such smallish waves.

the board had been sitting out for so long that it quickly waterlogged, but that made it even more fun. it's hard to explain why, but the w.l. added a heavy flex that felt very mattish to me, only mo beddah. im glad i made the hasty decision to paddle out with the jalama bomba, she brought back some fun memories and rekindled a stoke for simple ply that i had long forgotten. i wont be riding foam anytime soon.

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Re: jalama bomba


Unread post by mrmike »

welcome back
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Re: jalama bomba


Unread post by soulglider »

xiexie nin
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Re: jalama bomba


Unread post by bgreen »

Just goes to show a simple planning device can be a lot of fun. The quest with my fibreglass boards is to get a board that paddles ok but affords the ease of duck-diving that these boards provide. 9 boards and I haven't found it yet.
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Re: jalama bomba


Unread post by soulglider »

hey mike? you still got the flee? how does it ride?
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Re: jalama bomba


Unread post by mrmike »

broke that one but made another not hard to do
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