viper yellow dots free to a good home Venura area

A forum for discussing paipo board gear such as swim fins, leashes, skegs (board fins) and other related wave riding gear.
Big Wave Charger
Posts: 101
Joined: Mon May 14, 2012 1:54 am
City: Ventura County
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Interests: bike riding, surfing, music
Location: Oak View, Ca

viper yellow dots free to a good home Venura area


Unread post by flojo »

Hi I live in Ventura County and have a pair of yellow dot Viper fins that are too small for me. They have a lot of miles left on them. They are a size large and I will happily give them to someone that can use them.
If you live in the area, get ahold of me and we can figure out a eay to get them to you.
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