Facebook posts: skim boards as paipo

What works and what doesn't. Share design ideas, references and contacts for paipo board builders.
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Facebook posts: skim boards as paipo


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John DeVivo
10 June 2023

https://www.facebook.com/groups/paipobe ... 920185080/


13 May 2024
Bill Wright

https://www.facebook.com/groups/paipobe ... 883950080/

this is what I've been using to Paipo!
way faster than a sponge.
Vintage Skimboard from the 80's.
currently designing a more traditional shape, with a few twists.
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https://www.facebook.com/groups/paipobe ... 848765080/
Aloha from the Big Island of Hawaii.
Grew up on Oahu and remember watching the paipo boarders at Walls in Waikiki. 50 years later thinking maybe it's time to give it a try.

Lynn Bellomi
I cut down a skim board into a mini paipo. Works pretty good!
Bellomi-skim.jpg (4.64 KiB) Viewed 318 times

Michael Webster
was thinking of doin this to one i found the other day,... should have kept it and do this.. oh well

Lynn Bellomi
next time 🤙🏻

Rod Rodgers
It's amazing what works. The design world is never ending.

John Morris
I've thought of trying that but don't relish trying to get around in the line-up without any float. Skimboards get left behind on my beach occasionally, for some reason. I've got two and have seen others, but I've yet to see anyone skimboarding locally at more than a beginner level.

Dave Pegg
I'm inspired.....Thanks Bill.
Had this knocking around for years, unused and needing minor repair.
I will make it watertight and try as-is and then maybe consider a chop job to the rear.
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Larry O'Brien
I've made some mini paipos out of badly damaged wood skimboards. Often the nose end of the skimboard has too much rocker, so I make something out of the middle of the skimboard. These are just over twenty inches long.
May be an image of surfboard
OBrien_skim.jpg (6.5 KiB) Viewed 318 times
Does anybody here paipo board a fiberglass skimboard with Futures Fin boxes? https://chaossurfco.com/wakesurffins/chaos-skim-fin
Chaos Skim Fin — Chaos Surf Company
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