Facebook posts: John Mandybur

What works and what doesn't. Share design ideas, references and contacts for paipo board builders.
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Big Wave Charger
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Facebook posts: John Mandybur


Unread post by bgreen »

24 March 2023

https://www.facebook.com/groups/paipobe ... 207170080/
Bob Green
Is that a big single concave? Looks almost as tall as you. A homemade job?

John Mandybur

That small fin I put in has really imptoved the Bat Ray, Why? I don't know or care. Just...........................FUN!

27 March 2023
https://www.facebook.com/groups/paipobe ... 770090080/
Mandyhur27Mar23.jpg (84.64 KiB) Viewed 337 times
27 March 2023

https://www.facebook.com/groups/paipobe ... 766145080/
Mine is bat tail.Nice bite on the turns. Channels actually flow into a half pipe each side. Rolled bottom sometimes slid a bit so a small fin was added 3" from tail.

Keith Usher

https://www.facebook.com/groups/paipobe ... 766145080/
Anastasie Georgas I have a single concave in the back 3rd of the board that releases out of the tail. but bodyboards have been flat for 50 years and working just fine. less can me more. The more you add the more you can be making it not work. Start very simple and add more to new boards. It should be an evolution from simple to more complicated if needed, not start complicated and if it does not work have no idea which complicated part is wrong.

2 August 2023
https://www.facebook.com/groups/paipobe ... 420420080/
Mandyhur26Jan2024.jpg (45.02 KiB) Viewed 337 times
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