Paipo interview: Leigh-Wai Doo

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Paipo interview: Leigh-Wai Doo


Unread post by bgreen »

Here is the latest interview in the paipo interview series: Leigh-Wai Doo. While not a paipo rider Leigh-Wai developed a unique style to ride the waves of Oahu, prone. With limited use of his legs he gained the respect of fellow big wave riders. ... WD3b.shtml

Bob Green
4 March 2023 ... 573965080/

Robbie Poznansky
I witnessed Leigh Wai Doo surf 10’-15’ Sunset during the winter of 70/71. I had seen a clip of him surfing in a surf film as a kid when I was living on the East Coast. To say his skill was impressive would be a great understatement. I watched as he made his way on crutches down to the waters edge, while a woman carried his board along side him. As she place the board on the water, he flopped onto it & began paddling out in the channel. The board was kind of old school even for the early seventies, longer, wider, & thicker than the contemporary boards of that time, & red in color, so it was easy to identify from the beach. His adaptive style was unique: he would paddle for a wave, & once he caught it, he would grab the rails with both hands and do a push up, lifting his chest up off the deck of the surfboard. I watched as he took of on about a 12’ West peak bomb, drop in, & crank a full rail bottom turn, just using his arms. His legs, being useless, were just flailing around behind him as he made the drop & raced along thru the inside section. One of the most inspiring displays of surfing skill & determination that I have ever witnessed.
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