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Big Wave Charger
Posts: 1158
Joined: Thu Aug 18, 2011 10:34 pm
City: Arbutus Land
State or Province: Maryland
Country: USA
Interests: Waveriding, travel and the Paipo Research Project
Location: Maryland, USA & Where the Waves Are Breaking

Make a Donation


Unread post by rodndtube »

The website and forums are free to read and to participate in. Everyone makes contributions by participating in the forums, sending new paipo surfing information to me and by contributing to the paipo research project in many other ways. Any monetary donations will be used for deferring costs to host the website and forums and supporting administrative expenses (e.g., Internet software updates). You can make a contribution at this site:

Many thanks!
Last edited by rodndtube on Sat Dec 14, 2013 12:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Annual request for donations
"Prone to ride"
I love my papa li`ili`i

"The sea doth wash away all human ills."
-- Euripides.
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Big Wave Charger
Posts: 1158
Joined: Thu Aug 18, 2011 10:34 pm
City: Arbutus Land
State or Province: Maryland
Country: USA
Interests: Waveriding, travel and the Paipo Research Project
Location: Maryland, USA & Where the Waves Are Breaking

Re: Make a Donation


Unread post by rodndtube »

End of the year and Christmas gift donations are welcome :)

Wishing a Merry Christmas and Happiest Surfy New Year in 2014 to all of the paipo surfing community!
"Prone to ride"
I love my papa li`ili`i

"The sea doth wash away all human ills."
-- Euripides.
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