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Robert (but, really John Mellor) - Big Sur Surf 2012
Some memories

After talking to a local wildlife biologist with F&G (Bob Stafford in Los Osos), it appears I was mistaken on the 'ferret.'   I jumped to conclusions when I found Google images of ferrets.
Turns out ferrets are definitely not native to the area but long tailed weasels are.  He asked me some specific questions on size, head diameter, etc which I was unable to answer.  I'm going with his thoughts that it was most likely a long tailed weasel.  If it were a ferret, it would likely have been an illegal domestic pet that escaped or was released.  He said those typically don't last long in the wild.
Anyway, here are comparative pics...  it was pretty darned cute and I've never seen one before in the wild.

Compliments of John Mellor, our official paipo campsite wildlife spotter

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Last updated on: 08/28/12