Facebook posts: Don Boland

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Facebook posts: Don Boland


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1 December 2022

Hi Keith not all of us are interested or able and may have a preference for a different style of “Performance Surfing “and may not have access to the sort of waves that are conducive to “High Performance “boogie boarding.
I can’t speak for everyone but I suspect there is a few of us who started surfing in the “Sixties “ and have a different view on “Performance “I also commend you on your dedication to progress in your design.But there is more than one way to “Skin A Cat”


6 Feb 2023
https://www.facebook.com/groups/paipobe ... 271785080/

my shaper Darren Burge says it’s called a Manta tail. I like curve for comfort as my hips and thighs are in and around the tail of the board

https://www.facebook.com/groups/paipobe ... 580605080/

Hi Stephen I am guessing you were a kneeboard surfer? Damian and myself have a kneeboarding background.
We have been riding boards specifically designed for riding prone for a few years now and are interested in improving performance from our equipment we went through lots of fins and eventually settled on 4 fins.
In my humble opinion if performance is a high priority for you may want to consider trying 4 .PS Your board looks pretty handy hope to see some photos of it in action! Can you put up the dimensions please

June 16, 2023
https://www.facebook.com/groups/paipobe ... 175330080/
July 27
https://www.facebook.com/groups/paipobe ... 682050080/
https://www.facebook.com/groups/paipobe ... 972735080/

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